Thursday, December 4, 2008

chinese zodiac signs

If you are looking for a free horoscope, your best bet is too first consider what a true horoscope is. To cast your horoscope, your exact time, place, and date of birth is required.

Going with the flow, immersing yourself spiritually, and finding positive outlets for your compassion are all ways of tuning into this Moon cycle. With your unique chart, you can predict your own future. A person with a large head may have a significant IQ, although sometimes the opposite is true, in certain cases.

A desire to attain high authority and power may arise. By using our natural leadership and delegation abilities we can empower others to become involved in whatever we are committed to. Cancerians are prone to mood swings.

The earth is expanding the simple materials left over into complex nutrients needed for new life. Focus on goals that are both realistic and expansive.

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