Saturday, August 9, 2008

sylvia browne horoscopes

Just about everyone reads their romance horoscope, whether they believe in them or not, because most of the time, a romance horoscope is just plain fun. Newspaper horoscopes are usually broad and open ended statements that could fit into any number of different situations that occur daily in your life.

You don t have to dabble in black magic to get a reading of someone s destiny. It is usually less a matter of wanting a general overview of their lives than of needing specific details and answers for specific questions or problems. The planets, luminaries, and stars mimic Earthly events.

Aspects between Uranus and Venus, Uranus and Mars or Mars and Neptune bring romance, electric attraction and strong desire into a relationship between two people. To reach the other, born in an opposite part, it would be necessary for the stellar ray to travel directly through the Earth and part of its force would be spent by the time it reached the child. The Scorpio principle involves letting go of the old so that there can be a rebirth.

If you, therefore, want a complete and accurate picture, you need to read and analyze both the Sun sign and the ascendant sign. If a planet were just above the birthplace of one, its rays would impinge upon that child with unimpeded force.

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