Why are we so fascinated by horoscopes, astrology, birth signs, star signs and psychic ability? You should take it as a broad canvas to be painted as the day goes along.
More recently, with time on my hands due to health reasons I tended to read more on the subject and, in particular, that of the compatibility of people under their different zodiac signs. Perhaps there is somebody new that is starting to enter your star sign that is affecting your daily life or possibly a planet is entering your sign. One may use Heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology, or use the Sidereal Zodiac (which takes into account the precession of the Equinox).
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are in the mode called Fixed. The breaking up process that has taken place in Aquarius is taken to its logical conclusion in the complete destruction of form; blending into the whole. One can never be bored when in a relationship with an Aquarian.
Astrology readings can provide insights into your future by locating your stars and constellations. Letting go of whom you thought you were leads to new opportunities for community involvement.
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